Thursday, July 10, 2008

Nothing makes you realize how uneventful your life is like writing a blog. Oh sure, if I posted once or twice a year I’d have lots of interesting (or at least semi-interesting) things to write about, but try posting every couple of weeks and ho-hum. It’s not that we don’t enjoy most of our day-to-day activities, but they just aren’t the most interesting things to write or read about. You did however come here to read about our daily life, and I will not let you down…

I’ve survived another work week and am looking forward to the weekend. Dad, Pat & Amber are coming up for a visit, so we have been working on getting the house presentable. Actually to be precise Eric and I have been the ones doing the work. Much like Sisyphus and his rock we make little progress, for no matter how fast we clean the kids are somewhere in the house undoing our efforts. Eric did manage to get our new potties installed. I didn’t know that there was anything wrong with our old potties, but apparently they were wholly inadequate. I guess you have to be a plumber to understand, but we are now the proud owners of twin Mansfield potties with matching Church slow-close potty seats... I told you this wasn’t going to be exciting!

It's been a little slow at work, so I've had some time for the internet... Wanna see what I bought? Of course you do.

I have wanted the "Stuffed Toys" for a long time, and almost had it for Christmas but lost the bid last minute. The Japanese craft books are excellent. I've got about 10 in my collection so far, and about half of them are written entirely in Japanese. I also bought some things at Ichiban Kan. It the first of several purchases I plan to make with them :) They have bento items at great prices, but they sell out really fast.

I've recently joined Facebook and can't believe how many friends I've heard from. Now we have another bunch of people that we don't have time to keep in touch with :) I can't end this post without commenting on the photo of Zaky. We took it the day before his 4th birthday, and we sent it into PBS Sprout's Musical Mornings show. I think we sent it in to late though, so it didn't get aired.

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