Wednesday, July 16, 2008

We finally got the house (almost) clean in time for our company. It was hard to plan a menu without an itinerary, so I did most of the cooking on Sunday morning opting for salads and lunch meat. Although I have hundreds of cookbooks I scoured the Food Network website and found two new salad recipes and one new dip recipe to try. The salad recipes (Greek Grain Salad and Cobb Salad) were great, but the dip recipe was awful. Dad, Pat & Amber arrived Sunday afternoon and stayed until Wednesday. We did some shopping around Burlington and went down to the waterfront on Monday. Tuesday we spent the day at Kill Kare State Park. It's a small park, but it's really beautiful. The weekend went by way to fast, and it was depressing to come home from work Wednesday night to such a quiet house. Corie went home to NY with them. She's going to spend a week there. I can just hear her "Nana, look at me", "Grandpa, watch me climb this tree", "Amber... Amber... Amber, look at me now". Okay, so maybe a quiet house isn't so bad. Next week Zaky is scheduled to go to Santa's Village with Grandma Cheryl and Grandpa Bob. When I die I want to come back as one of my kids!

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