Wednesday, December 10, 2008

It's beginning to look a lil' bit like Christmas!

When I was young (insert joke here) December crawled by. Do you remember those days? I am reminded because my kids ask me every single day, "How long 'til Christmas?" We both agonize over the answer... it's too far for them and too close for me. We have just about finished our shopping. We did almost all of it on the internet this year, and I LOVED it. In fact I actually prefer ishopping to actual shopping. No pushing crowds, no whining kids, and the shops actually have what they are advertising. I do have some homemade gifts to complete though. Well, complete is not accurate, because I haven't actually started my sewing projects yet. The kids have finished their homemade gifts though. Here's a picture of them rolling up their lemon soap balls... Grandparents, look surprised when you open them!
We did have some non-holiday activities planned this weekend. Saturday morning we went to a model train show in Winooski. Zakary was the most excited, but we all enjoyed it.After the train show we brought Corie to her first basketball practice. She was actually pretty good, but in the middle of practicing passes she ran off the court in tears. We calmed her down, and she agreed to go back on court and finish the session. Luckily she wasn't the only one that cried, and by the time practice came to an end she was enjoying herself again. Whew!
We put the tree up on Saturday night and then commenced decorating it. Zakary would pick up an ornament and circle the tree several times before finding the perfect branch to hang it on. Apparently we only have two perfect branches on the tree, and they now house about 15 ornaments a piece. Corie spent most of the night telling Zakary not to hang all the ornaments on the same two branches, and when he ignored her she would tell me that Zakary was hanging all the ornaments on the same two branches. Eric would then comment on how all my elves looked demonic and then return to watching television. So basically it was same ol' same ol'.
Demonic?! I don't know what he is talking about.

1 comment:

Eric said...

I have to say... those are some creepy elves! I think I'm going to have nightmares!