Tuesday, November 25, 2008

To late to be early for Christmas

We really tried to start our Christmas shopping early this year, but now it looks like the best we can hope for is to be on time. We finally got the call that our name has reached the top of the Harman pellet stove waiting list, and we are expecting to have one delivered within the next two weeks. We had to move the living room around to accommodate the upcoming addition, and as with everything in life it turned out to be a bigger project than anticipated. You see there is only one spot in our living room that meets the specs for the pellet stove and our two 7-foot bookshelves were there and... there was only one place in the living room where we could fit those two 7-foot bookshelves and... our computer desk was there and... there was only one place to put the computer desk and... we had two 4-foot bookshelves holding two aquariums on top of them, so I guess you know how we spent the last two weekends. We did it right though and went through everything instead of just moving it all. Oh, the things I found on that desk. Three blank wedding cards, several blank birthday cards, a blank Mother's day card, the receipt for Bimbo (my cat who died over 6 years ago and who I acquired almost 18 years ago), and the post office receipt for the package that Amber never received (don't worry, Amber, I'm on it).
We got the Wall-e dvd, and Zakary hasn't wanted to watch anything else (not even Toy Trains). Corie enjoyed it also, but after Zak put it in for the third time she decided to retreat to her room to make things out of our garbage. You should see the lovely Mother's day present that she made out of an old tampon box. The first thing she does when her dad drops her off is go into our recycle bin to see what she can salvage. Oh, the things that girl can do with an egg carton!
Our Saturn has been deposited at the junkyard, and fearing that he would only have two cars to work on every weekend Eric has been on the look out for another car. He and his father, Bob, went to a junk car auction. They actually called it a used car auction, but if you saw what Eric (tried) to bring home you would agree with me. I say tried because it died on it's maiden voyage and will be towed to our mechanics before actually seeing it's new home. You know you are in trouble when the title labels it as an "abandoned" car. I'm sure between Eric & Randy, our mechanic, the new Saturn will be up and running which is good because our Taurus needs to go back to the shop... and now you know why we always need 3 cars!

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