Wednesday, September 3, 2008

It's not all bad

No. That is not Venus, goddess of love and beauty, laying on that clam shell. Although I can see how you could make that mistake. We went up for a visit with Eric's parents last weekend, and had a great time. The day was a perfect blend of sun and breeze, and Bob & Cheryl spoiled us into relaxation. Although the day wasn't exactly warm enough for a swim Cheryl, Zaky and I ventured into the pond, because it will most likely be the last chance to do so before the cold weather sets in. Poor Corie couldn't swim due to her toe injury, but after a bit of sulking even our moody little preteen couldn't maintain a pout on such a beautiful day. Eric spent most of his day trying not to share his toys with the kids, but they would have none of that! They were hot on his trail touching his stuff until he finally gave up and put his toys away. Bob, Cheryl and I enjoyed the show while it lasted. I have added some new pictures to our Family album on Google. I am trying not to post to many pictures in this blog so that dial up people won't have trouble loading the page. It wasn't until we tried to look something up online at my Dad's house that we realized how spoiled we were with our cable hookup. As we were waiting for our pages to load I kept picturing a little emaciated gerbil on a rusty wheel running round and round. Poor Amber. It's no wonder why she was never on Facebook.

Our kids are growing up. Wednesday morning Corie couldn't decide what to wear to school. Everything I held up got a scrunchy face. Finally she said "I want something black. I want tops with skulls on them. I want to dress like black". I said, "you mean goth?" She said "Yes. I want my Dad to take me to my favorite store, Hot Topic". Okay. She's a Sprague, so I knew it was going to happen, but I thought she'd make it past nine years old before we got to this point. On the other hand we have Zakary who went into the kitchen and made himself a peanut butter sandwich without assistance for the first time. Now if I can just get them to clean their rooms... ha-ha.

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