Thursday, July 2, 2009


new garden fence from hubby
Maybe it's because I'm getting older or maybe it's because I live five miles from the North Pole, but summer seems to be passing very quickly this year. Corie finished school the second week of June. She is officially a fifth grader. The class got to vote and pick a different theme for each day of the last week of school. No matter what the theme was she felt it required lots and lots of tattoos, so every morning she applied a few more. While Corie is excited to be going into middle school next year Zakary who does not like change was protesting. He did not want to go to Kindergarten, or get a new teacher or leave his best friend , Ryan (who is one year younger), behind. Luckily for us our school has a Kindergarten Step-up day. He got to meet his teacher, and more importantly he got to see his new classroom which was full of new things to play with. I'm sure he will renew his protests this September, but for now he is excited.
We spent Father's Day up at Eric's parents. Although the rain kept intruding we had a great time. The kids got to swim, and I got to take lots of frog pictures.
Eric brought his new remote control submarine, but couldn't get it working. Poor Eric. The pictures says it all. My Mom and I went to the Vermont Quilt Festival, and I have posted the pictures in an Picasa album. We had a great time, and found some new fabric to add to our stash. Here is my favorite.

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