Thursday, January 1, 2009

What a great Christmas

It's hard to believe after weeks of preparation the holidays have come and gone. What a flurry of fun! We spent Christmas day with Eric's folks, Bob and Cheryl, and my Mom. Our neighbor, Cathy, and her son, Ryan came over for a bit also. Ryan is Zakary's best friend, and they are so cute together. The funnest (I don't care if that's a proper word) gift was the Wii. It is just as much fun to watch others play as it is to play it yourself. Corie got a digital video recorder and spent most of the day recording people and cat butts. The day went by way to fast, and around 5pm Corie's dad came to pick her up, Mom left for home, and Bob & Cheryl took Zakary with them for the weekend. Eric and I decided to take advantage of our child free weekend... He headed down to Manland to play on his Xbox, and I headed up my sewing room to finish making the gifts for my cousins. Every once in a while we would run into each other in the kitchen, and that suited us just fine. The next weekend we had Christmas' at my Mom's. It was hard to get Zakary away from her Christmas displays long enough to get him to open presents. Her place looked great... at least until Zaky started rearranging everything. If you want to see what it looked like prior to a Zak check out her facebook page. Mom spoiled us... especially me. I got lots of great vintage (and new) kitchen and sewing stuff. And just when we thought it couldn't get any better.... my Dad, Pat and Amber came up this last weekend. This was a dual purpose visit (install new pellet stove & rip open Christmas presents). While the boys were hard at work installing the new stove we girls did our part by getting out of their hair. We went to JoAnn's where I spent the gift card that Bob & Cheryl gave me for Christmas. We also hit a Hallmark that was going out of business. Dad and Eric finished the installation our new pellet stove. It's beautiful, and we love it! It almost makes winter bearable.Corie came home from Christmas with her dad's family on Sunday, and we opened our presents. We got spoiled all over again. I got two great new craft books that I can't wait to put to good use! It was a great visit but it went by way to fast. We are going to spend this weekend getting the house back together. It's been non-stop since Christmas and we still have ALL of the gifts in our living room and dining room. My guess is there will be more playing than cleaning, but that's okay. Oh, by the way Pat, you forgot your Bailey's in the 'fridge. Don't worry. We will save it for you. ha-ha.

1 comment:

Eric said...

We got Angela a Wii and Wii Fit for Xmas this year. She loves it! Then she went out and bought Rock Band 2 after we left.