Sunday, July 10, 2011

Hello, is there anybody out there?

Okay, so it's been a while. We haven't had any big familial changes or epiphanies since the last post aside from Eric's folks moving to the other side of the world. Okay, so maybe Arizona isn't the other side of the world, but it is a lot farther than Newport. When Eric told me they had decided to move to Arizonia it took me about 3 weeks to go through the five stages of grief. It took Eric about 8 weeks, and he added a stage (grumpy). He lingered in grumpy for most of those weeks, but last Thursday he left grumpy and entered acceptance :)
One of our last days at Mom & Dad's
Zakary update: He is starting second grade this fall. His favorite things include: trains, farm & construction vehicles and Legos. Zak completed his first year of cub scouts (Tiger) and loved it! He officially became a Wolf cub last month, and meetings will start up again in the fall. So many kids participate in sports that scouting numbers have dropped. We were so happy that Zak chose to join. Scouting teaches life skills. There is a religious aspect to the program, but they don't focus on it due to the wide range of religions involved. They do focus on family, community, safety, responsibility, character development, etc... If I sound like I'm pushing scouting it's because I am.

Corie update: Tween.

Do I really need to say anymore? One day she is fixing her hair, and the next day she won't even brush it. One minute she is blaring Lady Gaga while reading her Discovery Girls magazine, and the next minute she is playing in the dirt with Zaky and his construction toys. She has really matured this year. We went clothes shopping together, and she enjoyed herself (yes, I said enjoyed herself). She also got into downhill skiing this year and loves it. Her Dad says she's pretty good. She loves scary movies, but has her eyes closed most of the time. She is into Mario, the name Bob, Doctor Who (we both think the best episode is Blink) and using things from the recycle bin to make gifts (I'll never forget my pencil holder made from an empty tampon box). She is NOT into seeing the floor of her bedroom :)

Eric update: Eric is still Eric. His job is going great, and he finally got the raise that he deserved. He finally bought a wood chipper after years of talking about it, and he has been cleaning up our property. He tells me that it is hard work, but he looks a lot like Zaky does when playing with his construction toys.
My update: Nothing's changed. I did a lot of canning last year, and despite my worst fear no one got botulism after consuming the results. It encouraged me to increase the yield from my garden this year thus committing me to even more canning. I did a lot more sewing this past winter. Although I am not the sewing goddess that my mom is, I am really enjoying myself. Unfortunately there is not enough time in the summer to sew due to home projects, gardening and canning, but I will start up again in the fall. Here is an album of most of the things I've made: Stuff I've made. Don't expect much though... I am still a novice and usually make my own patterns, so things don't come out very professional looking.

The paint for the living room is still in the cans, but it will be on the walls by the end of summer. Eric and I did decide that it was time to start finishing some of our home projects. Eric has said he will put in a new walkway and flower bed for me this year. We also want to stain our back porch. If you ask me being a parent, owning a house and being employed are three full time positions. If you are doing any one of them right than the other two are suffering!

Well that's it. Not much for a years absence :)


marlene said...

Happy to read your new post! I have it bookmarked on my toolbar and check periodically.

My Erik is happy to hear that Corie is a Dr. Who fan, he is as well, and is familiar with the "Blink" episode. He watches both the original and new series.

Enjoy the summer, sounds like you're keeping busy.

Unknown said...

We love Dr. Who. She is still working her way through the new Whos. I started Neflixing the originals, and am still on the first Doctor :)

Mary Hankins said...

Hi Lori! I also check your blog often. I love it! And yeah Zaky for scouting!!!!

Also, my mom canned everything, and I think we turned out fine. If anything, we have great immune systems!